Jumat, 21 November 2008


Update from Claire :
1. lagi demen bgt ngobrol dan berceloteh ria..
2. uda bisa miring ke kanan dan ke kiri dgn cepet dan dgn sendirinya.
3. kalo dibantu ditengkurepin, dah bisa angkat kepala, sekitar 20 sec
4. seneng bgt digendong menghadap belakang di shoulder mommy
5. kalo ama daddy demen bgt digendong duduk menghadap depan
6. minum susunya up to 150 cc sekali minum
7. beberapa hari belakangan ini pupnya ga gitu lancar.. =( biasanya 1 hr bisa 3-4
kali, sekarang 1hr cuma 1 kali...
8. bbrp hr ini juga tidurnya kalo mulai jam 12 malem keatas, ga bisa pules dan agak
uring2an ampe nangis2 ga jelas kenapa... =(
9. hari ini rambutnya baru digunting dirapiin lagi ama mommy n daddy .. =)
10. oya..nangisnya juga skrg beda..kyk ngomel2 gituuu... waaa...waaa.waaa... =D

Selasa, 18 November 2008

World Lee Family Party

Last night me n my hubby's family went to World LEE family party. It was the farewell party that held at Sun City Restaurant, The Opening ceremony party was held on Nov 16 at Shangrilla Hotel. The party attended by all over the world of LEE's family member.
Since one of my husband uncle from Hongkong (we call him kuchong chang sen) is the president of World LEE family, so we're also invited to come to the party.
Here's some pictures taken on the farewell party :

together with king's sister

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Keloiddd attackkkk

Helppp... dunno why my ceasar scars till now still ichy n looks red.. my gyn said it was Keloid !! waaaaaaaa.... the cream treatment not working, n maybe if still not okay, i must take needles shot on the scars !!! huhuhuhu.... this answer my phobia about ceasar !!! i hate it so much !!! =(

Beauty Day

Last Thursday me n musen went to Artha Gading to have a beauty day together...i asked her driver to picked me up at home..coz i'm juz too lazy to drive a car by myself..hehehe..
We went to La'Diana to have a facial treatment n after that we had a coffee break at Starbucks then continue with creambath n foot massage at Brown saloon.. =) hmm.. what a great day !! it was really a great escape for a day for me.. =D

after work kingstn picked me up at Mat's shop, then me, king n musen having lunch n shopping at diamond supermarket together.. poor Mat's cannot join us..coz he had customer at his shop.. =)

note : i still want to have a body treatment !!! =P dunno when i'll be having my free time again...

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

back in shape so fast??

banyak bgt yang nanya gue : gila lis..loe kurus cepet bgt !! diet yah? jgn diet loohh..kan lagi nyusuin tar kesian baby nya..

ugh...sok tau orang2... !! bukan seneng malah bete gue jadinya...
siapa juga yang diet... kaga tau aje.. gue malah sekarang makan kayak kuli !!
twice my hubby's plate portion you know !!! lebih gaharr daripada wkt hamil...
kaga tau kenapa juga, rasanya ga kenyang2...
terus... for your informations yaaa... gue juga kaga tau kenapa berat badan gue turun cepet bgt... pas 1 minggu abis lahiran aja gue turun langsung 6,5kg terus turun lagi smp skrg total dah turun 8,5 kg within 1 month plus.. meanwhile total dr sebelum hamil smp melahirkan gue kan cuma naek 11,5 kg.. tuh masih utang 3 kilo tauuu... hehehe...

mungkin krn wkt hamil gue juga kaga gemuk ke badan kali yah... n gue juga kan nyusuin..well...what so ever deh...

Jumat, 19 September 2008

Claire Elston Lee

Sorry buat update yg telat bgttt hehehe...
FYI, gue uda melahirkan secara ceasar tgl 27 agustus 2008 hari rabu jam 14.53 sore di R.S Gading Pluit Kelapa Gading. Anak gue cewe, beratnya 3620 gram panjangnya 51 cm. and namanya Claire Elston Lianto. =)

long story buat detail dr sebelum lahir smp uda lahirannya, maybe kalo mau liat2 boleh ke blognya Claire aja. www.babygirlelston.blogspot.com

anyway, skrg anakku uda 3 weeks plus. terakhir cek last week beratnya dah 3,7 kg.
still have a lil bit jaundice, but doc said still okay to take care at home.
till now the jaundice still appear..but less much then before..thanks GOD.

pengalaman gue stlh melahirkan secara ceasar, SAKITTTTT... hehehe... bukan jahitannya loh yg gue bilang sakit, tapi isi dalem perut gue yg sakit. kata dokter sih, rahim yg sedang dlm proses mengecil and faktor jahitan dalem yg 4 lapis yg blm kering, jd bikin nyeri2.

terus,,,punya baby itu ternyata...hepi, gemes, cape.
hehehe...tapi gue beruntung bgtttt... suami gue king2 bener2 SUPER HUSBAND (for me) n SUPER DAD (for Claire), dia bener2 suami yg helpfull bgt.
mulai dari gendong anaknya saat pertama lahir, dia lgs bisa dgn naturally..
terus, ganti popok dr pee sampe pup nya Claire, sampe ngebedong yg rapi bgt..(honestly gue aja kalah rapi). hahaha
teruss... dgn sukarelanya dia juga yg tiap pagi ngejemur and mandiin Claire !!! abisnya, si Claire tuh kalo gue yg mandiin pasti nangis2, and kalo ama daddynya selalu antenggg bgtt... emang daddy's girl bgt dah dia ! =)
meawhile gue di ambilin paket komplit setelah melahirkan 10 hari dr mustika selama 15 hari everyday gue di massage seluruh body,muka, lulur,n mandi rempah. hehehe... thanks to you honey... love you so much...=D

skrg yg gue rasain...pengen bgt cepet2 liat Claire gede, abis gue tired bgt ngadepin dia kalo lg nangis2 ga jelas kenapa, nyusu uda, pee uda, pup uda, ngantuk iya, tp ga mau tidur yg ada uring2an sambil nangis2...kesian n bingung bgt gue ngadepinnya...
terus gue dah ga sabar bgt nunggu next week...yeap..next week is my freedom day!!

i can go out after 1 month.. i can go to saloon to creambath my very dirty scalp !!
yeahh... 27 sept my baby will be one month old, and we spread out the 1 month cakes to everybody that visited or gave us a presents.. it is a symbol thank you cake to them for joining our happiness for the new born baby. =)

well here's some photos from us... the rest you can take a look at my friendster or my Claire's blog.

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

39 weeks

Wow i'm already hitting 39 weeks pregnancy now.. all the estimated date from my family n friends was missed !! hehehe... today is 20-08-2008, and yet my baby still dun want to come out from her mommy tummy.. Geezz... i think she feels too comfy inside.. =P But hopefully not of course ! coz, honestly.. i'm getting tired and unpassions with the counting down time these days.. i can't wait to see, hold n hug my lil one inside my belly.. =)

Today we have appointment again with Dr. Andrew, and i think this time i will remark schedule with him for doing C-section on 28-08-2008 IF until that date, i still dun have any sign for delivering the baby.. the reasons why finally i decide to take C-section, coz i dun want to wait anymore !!! and i want to get that nice number of birth date for my baby =)... selfish i know... but what to say.. that's the truth of all !!

Last time on 16 August 2008, i feels like braxton hicks (i guess), coz that day, i felt a continously deep contractions every 2 hours.. already panic and prepare for the birth...but it was stop only till afternoon that day.
well i guess it just a call of nature... hahaha... =D

Anyway,... i think it's time to tell everyone the name of my baby girl...

meaning of her name is :
Claire : Brightness, Clever, Light
Elston : Trust in GOD
Lee : Kind of heart

what do you think ?? =D
It was her daddy decisions with the first name, and for middle name actually with coinsidence it was our combined name, and for her last name is our chinese family name, which in indonesian is Lianto.

ok then, later i will update for our newest appointment result today with our doctor.
Bye bye...

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

37 weeks check up

Barusan aja gue baru dari dokter...there's a lil bit upset news from me..
Dokter tadi uda check tulang panggul gue, and katanya ukuran tulang panggul gue ga terlalu besar, yah sedang deh.. cocok untuk ukuran berat baby 2,5 kg - 3 kg.
Since hr ini td pas diperiksa, kurang lebih berat baby gue skrg dah 3040 gram. so, dokter bilang agak beresiko juga kalo mau normal birth. =(
soalnya diliat dr history keluarga suami, kan rata2 mereka wkt lahir berat badannya diatas 3,5 kg. bahkan anak cici kingstn pun yg cewe ada yg lahir 3,6 kg !

So, dokter bilang gini... tgl 13 balik check up lagi, nah saat itu udah boleh diputusin apa mau tetep coba normal atau mau lgs ceasar. (depends dr berat baby apa increase lg atau ngak)
soalnya kalo mau normal, takutnya resikonya gini.. uda mules, pembukaan uda komplit eh tau2 babynya ga bisa lewat tulang panggul gue. nah kalo udah gitu jadinya musti ceasar juga, jadinya sakit 2X.. musti recovery jahitan ceasar dan recovery pembukaan jalan lahir bawah juga sesudahnya. wuah...bete abizzz gue dengernya !!!
kesel, kecewa, takut, and dunno why jd lemessss bgt... =(((

Sedih bgt deh... gue bener2 desperately bgt pengen lahirin normal... tp gue juga kan jd takut.. soalnya chance nya uda less than 75%.. takut resiko ke baby n ke gue juga kalo mau paksain normal...

and kalo sampe ceasar..sumpah gue takutttttt banget..
meskipun sih, optionnya juga jauh lebih menarik...
1. bisa pilih tanggal bagus kayak 20-08-2008
2. kalo ceasar gue bisa lahirinnya di R.S Gading pluit, which is gue bisa ambil VIP room yg ruangan babynya jd satu ama gue all the time..

tapi... gue kan pengen bgt bisa ngerasain proses ngelahirin anak dr rahim gue sendiri scr normal... =((

duh...jd kepikiran bgt nih skrg... jd pusing n stress... gimana yah????
please ada saran ga yah??? gue lebih baik ambil keputusan apa?

Btw, kalo sampe ceasar..due datenya sekitar tgl 17 s/d 21 Agustus..
so, kayak nya lucu juga tuh kalo ambil tgl 17 Agustus 2008, Indonesia Independence day atau good date : 20-08-2008... hehehe...

BLAH !!!

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

Welcome to the world baby girl " Felicia "

Eitz...it's not mine, it is Victor & Marini 1st daughter that has just born yesterday on July 30th, 2008. Her weight 2.79 kg and 48 cm tall. She was deliver to this world by Normal birth process by week 39.
We already saw her, she's so beautiful and adorable baby girl... Congratz for Victor and Marini as the new parents.. =)

FYI, Marini is one of my college friends that have differents week of pregnancy only 3-4 weeks away from me.. Wow !! that's means my due date also only 3-4 weeks away !!
ZeeZZZ... i almost can't believe it !! We're going to be a parents soon too !!

I'm so amazed by Marini's process of giving birth, she's doing so smooth and very fast for normal birth. only a few hours she said she already deliver the baby.
I asked her, is it pain??? she said, can't tell me how it feels when u already faces the moment. my GOD !! i'm so....scared ! =P but i still want to do the normal birth process if possible.. =)

Btw, her full name is : " Catharina Felicia Johan ". =) They said will call her Fei-Fei.. cute nick name!! =)

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Picture @ Winston Wedding

Kingstn sister just gave me this picture that taken on last wedding at Winston wedding party.

From Left to Right :
My big sister in law "Aso Lina" (which is also my cousin fr my mom), ME, Kingstn big sister "Ci Yuyu",& my another sis in law "Aso Yaya".

well.. after all finally we're gathering together in Peace .. hahaha.. =P

Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Dinner with Christine & Julia @ Pantai Mutiara

Last Monday Julie came to Jakarta, this time she bring up her 7 mons beautiful daughter named " Naomi Reanne Hartono " =), and yesterday me n kingstn meet Julie n christine at Julie's house@ PM. Around 7 pm we already arrived at her house n then we spend about half hours playing with Naomi. Wow..she's a chubby cute little girl..and she loves to staring at kingstn a lot. so funny... =D

After spending some times with Naomi, Kingstn drop us @ Cafe PM, then he go to Mega mall,.. (He said dun want to interupting the girls talk.. haha..)
The three of us having dinner n chit chat a lot, since we've been like almost 1 year not seeing each others.. but we're feels so sorry to Christine coz this time the conversations is all about BABY things... meanwhile she's still single.. =( i'm sorry girl..

The funny fact is, last time when we're having dinner at Cafe PM, Julie was pregnant around 5 mons, n this time i'm the one who's expecting the baby 1 mons to go..hmm..maybe next reunion will be you Tin... we hope so... =P but remember ya, must have the wedding party first before the baby issues OK !! hahaha... =D

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

Senam Hamil part 2

Kemaren gue baru aja ikut kelas senam hamil lagi..=) kali ini king2 ga nganterin, soalnya dia lg busy, so gue pake supir aja dianterin.
Kelas senam kali ini cuma ada 6 org, tp kali ini ada special moment dr Hermina mereka bagi2 buku "Golden Mom" n New launching produk vitamin ibu hamil dan menyusui S26 dari Wyetth. well, lumayan loh..kalo beli bisa total seharga 110 rb. But this time they give it for free.. =)

Oya kemaren juga bakal suster gue udah dateng n uda mulai kerja, but since baby blm ada, so dia bantu2 jd pembantu dulu deh disini..coz gue juga lg kurang org buat pembantu nih..wah pusing juga deh...

Senin, 21 Juli 2008

Bandung Trip

Last saturday on July 19th, me n my hubby went to Bandung for holiday of the weekend.. :) Yes..just both of us..umh..it's kindda like baby moon trip before my due date coming up next month. coz, after giving a birth later on till 30 or 40 days a head after that i'll be quarantine at H.O.M.E !!! yaiks...but that's the fact in here.. our family rules still like that. =)

We're stayed at Sanny Rossa Hotel near by Rumah Mode factory outlets, it was still peak seasons at Bandung, coz most of the hotel are fully booked. Lucky we're still got the room in there. Anyway, it was such a great trip for both of us, we're really enjoying the trip. All the routine trip at bandung of course shopping, eating, shopping, eating, shopping, and eating all the time ! hahaha... =D
But this time only Daddy n Baby Girl got the shopping bag full loaded. hehehe.. =P

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

34 weeks check up

Tadi gue baru aja abis check up ke dokter..seneng bgt deh rasanya tiap kali usg sessions, bisa liat baby ku yang udah gede bgt.. tadi dokter bilang beratnya uda 2,3 kg. kali ini dokter bilang beratnya normal buat umur kehamilan 34 minggu kok, hehehe.. =) mungkin karena gue 'agak' ngurangin makan ice cream kali yah 2 minggu terakhir ini. abis gue rada parno juga wkt pas kontrol dokter di 32 minggu, dibilang baby gue a lil bit over weight 10% buat umur 32 minggu kehamilan. And dianjurkan kalo mau lahirin normal, gue harus reduce sugar, spy baby nya ga kegedean di dlm perut, n susah lahirnya.
Terus td dokter juga bilang, kondisinya semua dalam keadaan bagus, ga ada lilitan tali pusar di leher janin, and kepala janin dah ada diposisi yg bener yaitu dibawah perut walaupun blm masuk ke jalan lahir. nanti pas di minggu ke 37 kata dokter baru bisa diliat apakah gue bisa lahirin normal atau gak, dr ukuran tulang panggul n berat janin. Semoga deh...gue bisa lahirin normal.. doain yah... =)

soalnya gue terus terang gak punya persiapan mental jalanin operasi ceasar.. gue bener2 takut bgt ama operasi, or maybe lebih tepatnya gue emang ga pernah mengimani persalinan ceasar ke diri gue. soalnya gue dr duluuu pgn bgt bisa ngerasain lahirin anak dr rahim gue sendiri secara normal. itu tuh rasanya kayak..sesuatu mujizat bgt bisa ngelahirin normal buat gue, n sebagai seorg cewe pun jd makin bangga n komplit !! =D

semoga aja deh Tuhan denger niat hati gue yg kepengennnn bgt bisa lahirin normal tanpa ada halangan apa pun juga. AMIN !!

oya td gue juga sempet konsultasi nanya dokter gue soal minus mata gue yg lumayan tinggi (minus 6). n kalo menurut dokter gue sih no problem kok..asal gue ga ada kelainan retina mata, karena dokter gue pernah juga nanganin pasien yg minusnya uda 12, and so far so good tuh..
so, buat make sure aja, yah dokter gue nyuruh coba cek ke dokter mata, n minta di cek retina mata nya apakah normal apa gak. gicuu deh...
hmm...mau ke dokter mata dimana yah ??? bingung dech...

Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Senam Hamil... =))

Kemaren pertama kalinya gue ikutan senam hamil...di R.S Hermina Jatinegara belakang rumah, jam 5 sore. King2 juga ikutan nganterin, coz awalnya gue pikir dia bisa ikutan kelasnya juga, tp berhubung kemaren banyakan ibu2 yg lain ga ditemenin suami2nya, jd yg bawa suami juga jadi useless deh ga bisa ikutan kelasnya.. hehhe..
well,, ternyata menyenangkan sekali ikutan kelas senam hamil..lucu..ibu2 gendut semua pada senam sama2 jd seruuu.. =P
enak juga biayanya murah cuma 15rb, incld pemerikasaan perut ama susternya buat diliat posisi kepala janin uda ada dimana, n then dapet snack juga pulangnya..hehehe.. lumayan lama juga loh durasinya 1,5 jam kemaren.

next week mau lagi akh ikutan senam hamil.. =D
well besok gue ada appointment ke dokter lagi nih...uda every 2 weeks skrg..
besok gue update lg yah... bubye...

Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Teddy & Erika Wedding Party

July 6th, we went to Teddy & Erika wedding dinner party at Nelayan Restaurant, Ancol.
May GOD..i've got no more night gown to wear..that's why i only wear the baloon dress with legging pants to the party..aiaa..i'm so unconfident with my clothing that night. because it was a family wedding party n every close relatives wearing long dress as well..but even tough i still feels lucky still got a chance to make up my hair at Peter Saerang saloon together with Musen n my hubby before the party started. =)

oya yesterday we also went to dim sum lunch at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant at Hotel Golden with Mat n Musen, they ordering me a very delicious shark fin soup, australian abalone n scallop !! nyammy..really2 a healthy foods for my baby.. =) Thanks Pals..=)

anyway, here's the after party picture that i taken when we went home :

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Dinner @ Angke Kelapa Gading

Last night all of Kingstn family and all of his uncle n aunty from Hongkong together having a dinner at Angke Restaurant Kelapa Gading. (i dun like the foods)...
Later on i will post it to my blog the pictures of all the big family.
After dinner, we went home around 10.30 PM, then suddenly i feel so excited to take a photo shoot.. hahaha.. (maybe my baby want it so..)
Here's some of my newest pregnant pictures :

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Winston's wedding party

Today is one of my hubby cousins wedding day, all of his big family from Hongkong come along to Indonesia to attend Winston's wedding, since this is going to be the last wedding celebrations in king's big family in Jkt.
All of King's aunty n uncle from Hkg just arrived yesterday, and last nite we're having dinner at King's mom house.
Ok then, i'll update again tomorrow about the wedding party.. TBC..

Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

Rujak Party !!

On June 20th, i've got my Rujak party at my mom house for celebrating my 7 month pregnancy.. i also stayed at my mom house for last three days from last friday till sunday, coz my hubby also got busy with his work, he's got to attended the exibitions by our company at JHCC.. so my hubby cannot come to my Rujak party...hehehe.. but, i already save it for his part, coz he also have to taste it !! =P

hmm, i miss my dad.. he's been going to China since last week with his old friends, but till now he haven't call us to let us know he's doing alrite.. but we believe he's fine, it just he dunno how to use an int'l calling card maybe...=) coz he is an old fashioned guy.. very very old one.. =)
God please guide n take care my dad with his trip make him save and healthy where ever he is..

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Baby Checked List..

Finally, almost 90% baby things gue udah beli.
ini checked list gue yg dah DONE :
1. Popok kain
2. Baju Baby (tgn buntung, pendek, panjang)
3. Singlet Baby berwarna
4. Celana baby pop
5. Celana panjang baby / tutup kaki
6. Sarung tangan & kaki
7. Waslap
8. Saputangan katun
9. Handuk mandi
10. Perlak karet
11. Selimut topi
12. Topi baby
13. Bando baby
14. Stocking baby
15. Pampers
16. Bemper set
17. Bedcover set
18. Selimut
19. Guling set
20. Seprei set
21. Sarung bantal guling set
22. Bantal peang
23. Kelambu
24. Ember mandi
25. Sabun Cair pump
26. Shampoo pump
27. Bedak tabur
28. Baby oil
29. Hair lotion
30. Baby lotion
31. Baby cream
32. Minyak telon
33. Minyak kayu putih
34. Tissue basah
35. Kain kasa alkohol
36. Kain kasa
37. Tempat bedak
38. Sikat lidah
39. Sisir baby
40. Peniti baby
41. Gunting kuku baby
42. Sedotan ingus
43. Botol susu
44. Container susu
45. Bottle sterilizer
46. Sabun steril
47. Sikat botol
48. Detergen & Pelembut
49. Termos large 2.2 Ltr
50. Termos small 1 Ltr
51. Bantal menyusui
52. Shampoo kering
53. Ranjang baby
54. Karpet baby
55. Album photo

Gilee yah..panjang benerrr..hehehe..
tinggal few items lagi sich yg belom kayak gurita, bedong, tatakan ompol, stroller, tas baby, cotton buds, kapas, dot, baby teether, baby monitor, musical mobile, play gym, breast pads, bh menyusui, pembalut, baju suster, n jamu bersalin...terus apalagi yah.. kayaknya tinggal itu sih.. =)

Wah uda little bit more release deh, almost finish, oh yah tinggal yg blm bisa, beres-beres kamar nih.. ranjang blm dirakit, lemari baju baby dah dtg tp msh bau cat soalnya kan bikin sendiri, kamar gue pun blm di setting ulang.. duh pusing juga..
abis mertua gue ga ngasih gue beres2 kamar sebelum lahiran.. gimana dong... biasaaa... hongsui... pusing deh...

dah akh segini dulu yah... besok2 gue update lagi...bubye...

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Kontraksi Palsu Beneran !!!!!! =#

Tgl 6 Jun jam 1.30 siang gue tiba2 ngalamin kram yg hebat bgt di perut bawah gue..sampe seluruh badan keluar keringet dingin, duh gue sampe takut bgt, knp tiba2 aja kram parah gitu, padahal gue ga lagi ngapa2in seharian itu. langsung gue saat itu juga tlp dokter Andrew, terus dokter nanya saat ini usia kandungan gue uda brp minggu? gue bilang udah 28 minggu, weks!! dokter lgs panik, n nanya2 ada bercak darah atau air ketuban ngak keluar?? gue jd makin stress, tp gue cek sih nga ada apa2..cuma kram aja gue bilang, terus dokter lgs bilang coba deh mending lgs coba cek dtg ketemuin dia yg lg praktek di R.S Hermina Sunter, n disuruh lgs contact ke bagian kamar bersalin, spy nanti pihak kamar bersalin bisa hubungin dokter spy dtg cek.. WHAT??? gue sampe makin stress...apa2in nih kok lgs ke kamar bersalin??? duh serem bener...
akhirnya stlh tutup tlp, gue coba buat relaksasi pernafasan yg diajarin di metode hypnobirthing ibu Lanny, well.. it works!!! pelan2 kram nya berangsur2 ilang.. piuh...terus gue tlp dokter gue lagi, gue kasih tau kalo rasa sakitnya dah ilangan, n dokter bilang coba dipantau sendiri, kalo berulang lagi dan makin sering, harus kudu buru2 ke R.S yah... wow, lucky... ga berulang tuh...stop disitu saja, after that gue fine2 aja...Puji Tuhan !!!

gile bener2... kali ini seriusan kontraksi palsu loh!!! piuh... a lil bit scary...but i think i still can handle it..thanks to hypnobirthing method..
btw, gue bru aja td daftar kelasnya ibu lanny, tp msh blm dpt schedule kapan gue bsa mulai..

well..segitu dl deh yah...bubye..God Bless...

Selasa, 03 Juni 2008


yippiee..finally, i already saw my beautiful baby on the 4D USG last Saturday..
well, u know what? i am so nervous while waiting for my turns.. i'm so exicited n wondering she will be look a like who ya? =)
when we start the 4D section, the doctor said that my urine too full, i've got to go to toilet first..hehehe.. well, i think my baby went to tired n sleepy when it start..coz i already felt her keep moving since 4.30 AM (yep..she's wake up too early n the schedule also a lil bit late) the first 30 mins, my baby kept covering her face with her hands, and her positions dun want to change from my left tummy..
the doctor kept seeking her around till the last 15 mins, my hubby touch my tummy n said to her: "come on baby, let's us see your face" then suddenly she open her hands n waving to us once..wow..she's so cute, n the most things that drag my attentions is her nose!! she's got it juz like her father !!! the same big nose... hahhaha.. =D
now she's already weighing up to 1235 gram, she's already so chubby with her cheeks also like her daddy..i'm so thankful to GOD that everything is alrite, that the most important things for us.

oya, this week we also already got our 2nd car as our family cars. we bought another nissan x-trail but with black color.(coz my mother in law also has the same type but with silver mocca color). this car is gonna be ours as "girls car"..hehehe..daddy got no right at all for the entire car !!! we're gonna design it as much as we like... =P

from yesterday update, i also got a not very good news about my mom.. =( she's got sick in the morning and need to stay in the hospital for 1 day, bcoz of her heart rate that become unstable.. =( i also dunno why this suddenly happened to her.. i'm so sad about her conditions.. =( but today she's insist to go home, coz she's really don't like hospital area, so today we already sign her out from the hospital. but her conditions is still under doctor control.. well, i really hope she will be okay soon..coz this coming 19 June, she's already planning to celebrate my 7th month pregnancy at her house... GOD please help her to get well soon.. i can't see her sick like this too long..i'm so sad... =(

friends please help me to pray for my mommy yah...thank you..

Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

Shopping Shopping Shopping ...!!! ^ v ^

Yippiiee... yesterday was a shopping time for mommy and daddy for baby things !!
We already bought some of the bedding sets and it was worth only Rp.1.450.000. it was really a good deal since we already known the shop very well. ;)
Tomorrow we're gonna buy the baby crib.. =D Wow i'm so really really exicited !!

And now the news about my baby..now i already can feels her bones inside me kicking very hard !! it's amazing.. i love her so much.. and can't wait to see her soon this Saturday for the 4D USG !! =)

We also planning to change our car to the new big car..yeap..since now BMW really really too small for car family..so perhaps we're gonna need another car for our 2nd car..hope this weeks we can have it soon.. =)

ok then i'll update soon again for the latest news from me.. ;)

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

Happy Birthday Mom.. =)

May 19th, was Kingstn Mom bday, but the party was held on May 20th, coz its a public holiday in here, so we decided to have a teppanyaki and bbq party at his mom house @ Citra Grand, Cibubur.
All of us shared to bought his mom a bday gift a diamond necklace, the bday cake was made by one of my sis inlaw, and the rest things of the party was prepared by his mom by herself.
Well, the party was awesome! all of us really2 can blend each other and no more gap between one and each other..yeap, i guess this is the time to left all the problems behind and move forward for a better relationship in this big family.. Thanks God for this beautiful moments between us.

After Lunch, we cut the cake and then some of the guys were playing Nintendo Wii with the kids..hihihi..the adults vs the kids.. =) they are so exicited to play together. while me...stay laying down at the sofa only can watching them playing.. hehe..but its fine for me, coz i'm just feel tired and full loaded. =P

We stayed at his mom place till dinner time, and after dinner all of us went so tired and some the kids feels unwell too, so we decided to go back home too.

Anyway, Happy birthday mom.. we wish you health, success, happiness, and many many good things happens forward.. we love you... =)

God Bless !!

Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

A day leave for mommy.. =)

Yippiee.. tomorrow will be my day off at the shop. =) Yes! tonite i'm going to stay overnight at my mom house till Sunday.. my hubby will follow to stay at my mom house on Saturday night till Sunday too, but tonight he only going to drop me, coz he still have to work tomorrow. =P

I miss my mom so much, and my nieces "Chika & Nikita", they already have a long school holiday this week and they kept begging me to come and stay quickly.. hehehe.. i also dunno why they can be so this close to me, even if i can tell, maybe they more misses me than their parents.. hahaha...lol

ok then, i must get prepare pack my things now.. bye bye.. =)

Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Iron Man is a good movie..

Yesterday we went to watch cinema at Artha Gading together with Mat & Musen, yeap..this happy couple just got their freedom ticket for the whole month !! coz Mat Parents going for a holiday to US, and Musen Parents and her grandma just arrived last Monday from China, and they're going to stay here for a month.

The fourth of us bought tickets for Iron Man movie at 9 PM and finished at 11 PM. but the movie was worth enough to watch till this midnight..coz the story was so cool and great.. we love this movie !!

Two thumbs up for the movie !!

Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

My 1st Braxton Hicks

Is it a Braxton Hicks ??? At 11.15 AM at my office desk suddenly i felt my tummy cramps or pain for not more than 30 seconds from top to the bottom of my tummy till my hand palm getting sweating. then it is gone..and now at 11.35 i feel it again !!! what it is actually ???

Jumat, 09 Mei 2008

Friday Night

This Friday, we went to EX-Center cinema to watch movie " What happens in Vegas ", with Ase,Amin,Atink,Mat and Musen. The movie was very nice, fun, and full of laughing from the begining till the end..=)
for us, we also went shopping a lil bit.. at Zara shop for my hubby clothes. And for me i got a gift from Musen a Batik clothes, the design very cute.. i like it so much =) For my baby inside my belly she also got a double scoop of Anderson's Ice Cream..nyammy.. =P Yeap.. what a beautiful friday..

After movie time, we just staright away went home and arrived around 01.00 AM. Piuh.. i got lil bit tired n sleeppy so much.. but it was a fun and delighted friday anyway.. Thank You Lord.. =)



Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

A sad news from our friend " Beatrice "

Yesterday i've received a sms from Marini regarding Beatrice conditions..
this is very makes me so sad and dunno what to say about it.. =(
One of my friends named Beatrice who is have the same ages with my pregnancy got to take out her baby today by normal birth due to un normal pregnancy caused by multiple grown up chromosoms.. it is so sad for her, coz this is the second time she have to take out her baby again.. =(
Oh Lord, please help to make her strong enough to pass this problem.. makes everything goes okay, so she can refilled her self with new power to go on..
In the name of JESUS CHRIST we prayed. AMIEN !!

My deepest condolences for her,

God bless

Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

The days after BBQ party...

April 30th, as mentioned below we were celebrating musen bday party at her house. well everything goes okay except Hanz got a serious diare with a lil bit blood in his feses, so before starting the party, we have to go to lab first to let them examine his pup. =P lucky after a few hours, the results said it is only caused by some amoeba in his stomach.
From the begining, kingstn made it all alone !! haha.. "kesian dech.." coz mat's got busy with his son lab results. the party attended by musen, mat, me, my hubby, and mat's whole big family. =)The foods very perfect !! nyammy... especially, the korean meat... =P

Oya here's some picture between me n musen, with the candelier candle holder as my gift for her..=) well..she's said she like it so much !!! =)

After the party done, i've got my ankle swollen!! also all over my body feels tired so much... we went home around 12.30 AM.. in the morning, i got myself sick !! yeap.. i cannot woke up from my bed.. my arms feels so heavy, bcos all the nite long i sleep in one right side position only.

May 1st, is a holiday in here.. that's why i cannot reach up to see my gyn. so i have to wait till next day.. i've lost my appetite since today. =(
May 2nd, finally i can meet my gyn, first he check up the baby conditions, and thanks GOD, my baby doing fine.. she's already grown up now.. she's weighing around 600 gram now, with head diameter 5,6 cm, but i forgot to asked about her tall. =)
this time i didn't asked to print out the usg photo, bcoz we only concerned about her conditions first..

the doc said, i was sick because of stomachache n a bit diare. he gave me some prescriptions, and the doc said, see how for three days after taking medicine, if still not okay, i must go back to check up again.. he afraid there's some diare virus in my stomach..uuuu..i hope not !!

anyway..today is May 4th, i feels a lot more better than before.. i already can eat again, altough still feels uncomfy with my stomach..
today we're going out for lunch at Bakmie Tan, n after that go to AG to buy some breadtalk and one pregnancy pants for me that on sale at AG.. hehehe.. =)
we go home around 1.30 PM.. i take a nap for a while till around 3.45 my mom and dad comes by !!! yippiee..i'm so happy.. i misses them a lot, thanks mom.. thanks dad for coming by for bringing me my fav "ayam goreng kuning" from the market near by my mom's house. =P

that's it for now.. i feels still tired, so i want to take a rest again..
help to pray for me ya friends.. so i can get well soon !!

GBU all..

Rabu, 30 April 2008

Happy Birthday To : Musen !!

Today is one of my friends birthday.."Zhu Musen"...
Happy birthday to you and wishing you all the best things in life !! God speed.. =)
Tonight we are going to celebrate her birthday at her house starting at 9 PM with Mat's family also. we are going to have BBQ party !! yeah...nyammy dinner.. =P hehehe..
Yesterday i already helped her by accompany her buying some food for the preparations at the korean meat shop and diamond supermarket. well the rest of the story i will updating it tomorrow, ok? =)

See Ya !!

Minggu, 20 April 2008

Happy 5 months my baby !!

Today i feel my tummy getting more bigger than ussual, today everyone i met said : "now we already can see ur pregnant tummy !" hahaha.. i guess my baby already want to show to 'em she's getting bigger now.. =) mommy also feels happy for you my dear...

Today i also went to MKG 3, for celebrating one of Kingstn nephew bday (Braven, 6 yrs old) with all of Kingstn main family (except Ci'Yuyu family). We're having a lunch at Pizza Hut and then we also went to Bowling Centre at level 3. It's been a long time not to see my hubby play bowling with his 2 big bro.. =) we're actually having a great time, i'm so happy today !!

Around 3 PM, we split from them and we went to Artha Gading. We bought Water Dispenser for our future baby at Electronic City, but it is still indent order and ETA date will be around May 5th next month.

Argh... i want it so much to buy an ottoman chair at Index too!!! because my back already feels uncomfy these days.. =( unfortunetely they are out of stock for the ottoman chair i want.. so i must wait around 2 month .. aaiiya... =(
Anyway..what to say.. right?

At 5.30 PM we go to the church at Bethany Kelapa Gading, Gading Batavia. Wow, the Word of GOD very makes us more stronger in faith to HIM.. HE said : " we have power in every words we said from our mouth, so because of that we must says the positive words in our life, so it wil be affecting our life too in a positive way ".. AMIEN !!

After church we actualy have appointment with the company profile designer at Artha Gading, but she's cancelled it, so we just having a dinner at Artha Gading and then play at Mat's shop for a while and then we straight away go home around 9 PM.

Since my tummy already getting bigger now, i feels tired so quickly...my left leg very pain and my back also the same.. =(

And now..it's time to sleep for me and my lil' one in my tummy.. =)
Good night everybody... =)

God Bless You All...

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Introducing : www.babygirlelston.blogspot.com

From now on my baby have her own private blog, which dedicated to her for her own record development ever since she growing up in my tummy 'till she bigger enough to write for her own, i will be her co-writer.. =)

the blog was created by one of my best friends in Ames, USA. well...thanks des..ur gift to my baby such a nice one !!

anyway,today i just wanna share my daily activity...
umh..not much, coz today we're not going anywhere...
i got sick, headache n a little bit flu since last friday..
only yesterday we went to Artha Gading (our 2nd home !) for having dinner and met the company profile designer..after that we also went to La-piazza to buy sweet martabak for my supper. hehehe... =D
ugh...i wish i can get well soon..so i can do 'jalan-jalan' again. hehehe...

and now talking about my hubby..
he is so funny...these days he feels so stressfull b'coz his tummy that already getting bigger n bigger and even more bigger than my tummy..=( ugh...why daddy u want to compete with me??? hiihihii...=D
that situation happening b'coz he ate a lot, and even a lot more b'coz when i cannot finish my food, i juz straight away give it to him ! hahaha...

hmm..now im thinking about managing our budget for preparing the 'baby things'..
starting from designing her room and her furniture, and renovating some space in our house at level 3 for living room and baby room...wuahhh...so many that we need to buy..**stressfull**
now i can feel why these days people don't think " more children more money " anymore...hahaha...
i know this is just the begining...but i kindna re-thinking again about my target for having at least 3 children or up.. hihihi...
i guess 2 is enough..isn't it? =D
well..let's see lah...

Kamis, 10 April 2008

20 weeks Pregnancy

Finally my baby mau juga kasih liat ke mommy and daddy dia cowo atau cewe, and the answer to it’s question is it’s a baby GIRL !!!
It’s so funny during the ultrasound section, it’s so amzing to finding out the sex of my baby.
She’s so adorable bgt…walaupun gue baru ngeliatnya di usg 2D, kemaren dia reaksinya lutchu bgt… waktu lg mau diliat jenis kelaminnya, dokter bilang..wah ini kakinya nekuk satu nih..coba dilurusin biar keliatan jenis kelaminnya..eh suddenly dia lgs saat itu juga ngelurusin kakinya loh !!! terus dokter lgs confirmed kalo dia itu positif cewe, and after that dia nekuk lg kakinya.. lucu bgt !!!
Terus kemaren pas usg, baby ku gerak mulu..ampe dokter bilang nih anaknya aktif bgt yah..sehat semuanya okey. Mungkin bener saran dari salah satu best friends gue (destri), we must fully bladder yg artinya perut musti terisi penuh diisi orange jus or soda, biar anaknya gerak2…and terbukti tuh.. thank you aunty destri… =)

Oya, kemaren panjangnya udah 13,5 cm (from crown to rump only), lingkar kepala uda 4,7 cm, beratnya blm ketauan pasti, diprediksi sih udah lebih dr 350 gram, and baru bisa dpt exact numbernya bln depan kata dokter. Oya ini hasil foto terbarunya dia:
lucu yah..sekarang dah lebih gendut drpd sebelumnya yg masih skinny.. hehehe..

actually we already choose the perfect name for her, but since it is my hubby request not to mention it first and not to tell to anybody, so..let it be a secret first okay? =)

pokoknya yg penting gue berharap dia jadi anak yang takut ama Tuhan, sayang mommy and daddy juga semua orang, supaya jadi cahaya yang bersinar terang dikeluarganya selalu dan diberkati setiap langkah kehidupannya. AMINNNN...

Selasa, 01 April 2008

19 Weeks...

kali ini gue cuma mau numpahin semua uneg2 gue...
uda dari tanggal 29 Maret yl, pembantu gue tiba2 mendadak berhenti n pulang kampung ga balik lagi...bete bgt...pembantu taon ini ga tau kenapa kok ga ada yg stay lama yah disini.... yg uda kerja 5thn lebih tiba2 berhenti mau kawin, yg baru masuk, gue uda cape2 training n uda bisa kerjanya, tiba2 disuruh berhenti ama keluarganya. wah..mau marah deh...kalo ga ada pembantu !!!

untungnya sih pembantu lama ada yg mau kerja lagi, tapi baru tgl 4 april datengnya.
so, uda 3 hr kemaren gue gempor por por porrr bangettt...
emang sih mertua gue pada nemenin nginep disini...mama masak siang,malem, gue bantu2 siap2in piring,etc
sls makan gue yg nyuci piring...duh pinggang gue pegelll bgt..bete.. masalahnya disini tuh dapur n ruang makan gue separate di lt 1 n lt 2. aneh kan??? yah gitu deh papa kingstn selalu percaya fengshui mulu...katanya ga bagus dapur di lt.2...weks...pusing...

alhasil tiap hari gue turun naek tangga mulu deh...cape...pegel..gempor...
dah akh intinya gitu deh...

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2008

18 weeks Pregnancy..

sekarang gue uda jalan 18 minggu kalo dihitung based on weeks. tapi kalo based on month uda 4 bulan lewat 1 minggu. (tau deh gue juga sempet bingung ama perhitungan itu)

GOOD NEWS !! gue uda sehat ! sekarang gue uda bisa makan lahap hap hap.. =P

sejak tanggal 19 march kemaren gue total udah sembuh dari uwek..uwek.. hehehe... Finally gue uda bisa lewatin masa2 susah itu...bener2 hepiii bgt deh...

oya gue mau flashback bntar yach...

1. waktu tgl 9 maret, pas gue lagi nginep dirumah nyokap berdua king2, suddenly pagi2 jam 7 pagi gue bangunin king2 and langsung minta dibeliin buah dingin pepaya and semangka !! gila...gue ampe ngiler banget padahal mata gue pun juga blm melek, tp rasa tuh buah pepaya ama semangka bener2 ada di ujung lidah gue banget. ga tau kenapa emang sebelumnya uda 3 hr berturut-turut gue ngimpiin makan tuh buah melulu, sampe puncaknya tgl 9 maret jam 7 pagi itu uda ga tertahankan lagi..alhasil king2 sambil ngantuk2 bangun,cuci muka and berdua my mom pergi kepasar deket rumah buat nyari itu 2 buah. Well, emang sih akhirnya cuman dapetnya pepaya doang, tapi...geloo deh...pas gue makan tuh pepaya..wah serasa ga pernah makan pepaya bertahun-tahun..rasanya uenakkkk sekalii... hahahhha...and abis makan pepaya dingin itu..gue bobo lagi dengan pulesnya..dan lucunya seharian itu gue sehat bgt, ga muntah sama sekali. (coz saat itu gue masih masanya muntah2 parah, makanya sampe ngungsi kerumah nyokap)

2. tgl 12 maret gue terakhir ngecek ke dokter lagi, mustinya sih schedulenya tgl19 maret, tapi gue uda ga sabar bgt pengen usg liat jenis kelamin baby gue, coz 2 dari temen gue yg usia kehamilannya sama ama gue udah pada ketauan jenis kelamin anaknya. but sayangnya, anakkku blm mau ngasih liat ke mommy n daddy nya..dokter bilang blm keliatan... =( a lil bit upset, coz gue kan uda excited bgt, sampe2 nyokap gue aja ngikut nganterin masuk keruangan periksa, soalnya dia pengen liat juga lwt mesin usg. tapi..ya udah deh ga apa2...yg penting Good newsnya adalah, anak gue bertumbuh dan berkembang secara sehat dan sempurna. kata dokter panjangnya udah 10,5 cm. wah uda gede juga yah kamu sayang... =) oya gue kali ini minta di print hsl usg nya..wah lucu sekali poto anakku...nih liat deh..dia lucu banget...tangannya and jari2nya uda keliatan jelas, walaupun dia masih kurus.

back to now...

sekarang perut gue udah mulai keliatan, and gue uda naik 2kg, berarti masih utang 5 kg ke posisi normal keberat badan gue sebelum hamil. coz total gue lost 7 kg. =( asli..gue jd very berry skinny...

tp yg penting gue sekarang udah mulai sehat, and bisa makan normal, so..nothing to worried deh...sekarang saatnya nikmatin masa-masa hamil gue...duh kalo maen ama anak temen gue yg namanya hanz, gue jd makin ga sabar bgt deh pengen cepet2 gendong anak sendiri...and main2 ama dia...

tp kalo dijalanin, waktu lewat cepet juga... 3 bulan lagi gue 7 bulan and dah bisa shopping for baby things, and prepare baby rooms, pasti ga berasa tau2 uda due datenya deh...

well,,gue sih lagi coba janjian ama anak gue, pengennya lahir tgl 28-8-2008, jam 8 pagi. hehhehe...we'll see aja nanti yah gimana...

sekarang gue baru mulai kasih denegr musik lwt ipod ke my belly..=) lagu gereja, lagu mozart buat bumil, lagu anak2 mozart...apa aja deh...=)

oya, king2 skrg juga udah mulai keliatan bgt naluri ke bapak annya loh... dia sejak gue hamil rajin banget doain my baby in my belly, and give a good morning kiss to my belly and me before he going down to the office at our house level 1. =)...

udah deh segini dulu yah updatenya... keep praying for me n my pregnancy yah friends..thanks a lot.. =)


Mom to be " Icha "

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

My pregnancy update...

Hi..hi.. =)

gue skrg uda hamil 11 minggu, and terakhir periksa panjang janin gue skrg udah 36.8mm waktu umur 10 minggu. wah baby nya lucu bgt..udah kebentuk kepala, badan, tangan dan kaki.. jantungnya pun udah kedengeran.. i'm so amazed !!!
and kemaren gue baru kontrol lg dari dokter, my baby uda gerak2 loh waktu diliat di screen usg ... =) wahh..happy nya...
pokoknya tiap kali kontrol ke dokter skrg jadi moment ter-happy in my life..coz..walaupun badan lg sakit and gak enak..tp bgitu liat janin lewat usg machine..bikin semua rasa sakit n gak enak yg gue rasain lgs lenyap dlm sekejap. !!

gue bener2 gak habis pikir....GOD is so amazing !! He can create human with this beautiful process... and i am so thankful to Jesus, for His trust to me having this baby in my tummy... =)

Skrg gue mau ceritain semua keluhan2 gue yg gue udah mulai rasain sampe sekarang ini :
1. Awal-awal kehamilan gue cuma ngerasain Evening sick..yaitu badan gue starting rada hangat/panas diatas jam 5 sore. And tiap malam agak mual..tp blm smp muntah2.
2. masuk minggu ke 10...gue udah mulai mual bgt, sampe pas tgl 30 jan kemaren gue muntah2 pertama kali pas lg dinner di Mal Artha Gading.. wuah...bete bgt... nah start dr situ..sampe skrg.. frekuensi gue muntah skrg jd lbh sering bgt...
3. uda bbrp hr ini, tiap mlm gue kaga bisa makan apa pun juga..
4. Eh, start today...siang2 pun gue juga jd muntah2 juga...waduh...uda gak cuman mlm hari aja nih skrg jdnya..seharian gue ngerasain eneg2 mulu...
5. gue kena maag juga sih...makanya jd lebih susah makan and bawaannya eneg mulu..
6. tiap malam gue demam, suhu bdn gue 37.7 - 38.1 'C.
7. Oya, gue juga skrg jd MOODY bgt... sensitip abizzz...and jdnya sering uring2an ampe nangis2 kaga jelas....

yah gitu deh hari-hari kehamilan gue smp saat ini yg gue rasain...
gue pengen bgt bisa skip masa trimester pertama ini and langsung loncat ke masa trimester akhir...gue uda ga sabar bgt pengen liat my baby, and pengen bgt maen ama dia...=)

I wish... my baby will have Eyes like Daddy...Lips like Mommy...Nose like Daddy...Ears like Mommy...and Cheeks like Daddy...Body Structure like Daddy..Skin also like Daddy.. but Teeth like Mommy ya... =)

ok deh... segini dulu yah update dr gue n my baby...
keep praying for me and my pregnancy yah friends...
Thank you... & God Bless...

Luv Ya !!

Rabu, 09 Januari 2008

Latest Update from me..Jan 9, 2008 !!

First of all i wanna say happy belated christmas and happy new year to everybody who's read this blog...=)

about my latest news...

1st, my wedding party finally already DONE !! and thanks GOD it done very smoothly..and the party was quite nice, im satisfied with all my wedding vendors !! Thanks to : DENNY's MC & WO, MIMOSA Photography, WEDDING CLIP Videography, DE-SKETSA Decorations, MAY-MAY art photography for Pre-wed and Wedding Gown + Make up (Thanks Mrs. Yayang !), LE-NOUVELLE cakes...
Thank you all for your great team work and support on my Wedding Party last Nov 25th, 2007..

2nd, We now just went back from our Honeymoon Trip To China & Hongkong..we went to China and Hongkong on Dec 13th, 2007 until Jan 7th,2008. Well..it was such a great trip, loooooong holiday for both of us till make us a lil bit home sick after all...hehehe...
We went to Beijing for 5 days with the Tour from Hkg and then we also went to Shanghai,Suzhou,Wuxi,Nanzhen, Hangzhou for 5 days also we joined with tour from Hkg.. it was great..but we've got something ungratefull coz we didn't even understand a single words from all the tour leaders, coz they spoke Cantonese, and they English are very Poor...=( So, we just did the sightseeing only from all the tour trip to China.. hehehehe... =P

anyway...here's the 3rd update from me..

3rd, On December 27th,2007 i bought a test pack "Clear Blue" @ Sogo, Causewaybay, Hkg. And..the result is it appears 2 blue line on the testpack !!!! Yes... that's right.. I'm Positif Pregnant !!! THANKS TO LORD JESUS... !!!
But today on Jan 9th,2008, we just went to Doctor to make sure, and YIPIIEE.. the doctor said YES IT WAS CONFIRMED i'm 100% Pregnant!!!!! Thank youu everybody that already helps me to pray for my pregnancy !!
We're sooo HAPPY...coz GOD did answers our most prayers everynight and day..=) It is really a miracle !!! even the doctor said so, he said it is very rare chance for a high hormonal prolactin lady to have a baby this sooon.. it is a Miracle and a GIFT that can't buy with any Money in this world from GOD...THANK YOU GOD !!!

So, next month we will go back for seeing my gyn, later on i promise will updating the news again for you all...
GOD BLESS YOU ALL.... and please keep praying for my pregnancy ya... THX !!

Happy MOM,
