Sabtu, 03 November 2007

Three Weeks to go !!!!

its three weeks to go to my wedding reception party...11th November will be my "Sangjid Time"..and i feel more nerv thinking about the "Sangjid Time"..Coz, King's will not attend the ceremonial,'s all by myself and the two big family come down to my mum house...Aaarrrghhh....wish i could skip it !!

And also talking about the Party on 25th November.. well everythin' almost settling down..
This upcoming week on 14th Nov, 3 PM i will meet all my wedding vendor @ Technical meeting time. Hope everything going smoooootthh...

What else to mentions ??... Oya !! my baby planning... ^__^ (i'm so excited ...)
Well, till now we're still trying.. but since my doctor detect there is an overreacted hormonal in my i guess i must treatment that one first before trying to having a baby...
It was my Prolactin Hormon that is very HIGH.. it made my fertility eggs become small..(my last test result :68.98) (Normal Range : 4 - 23) see... !!!
and i hate it so much with the medicine that i must take everyday !! ( i take Parlodel 2.5 mg)
my GOD that pills really torturing me a lot with the side effect... even though i already reduce the dosage, it STILL makes me head over heels !!!

Anyway... maybe that's the price that i have to pay for having my baby soon...

Ok lah..that's it for now...
anyone who read this post, pls help to pray for me..ok ?! THANKS A BUNCH ....(@)>--'----



Kamis, 27 September 2007

Conceiving Time !!!!

Yipiiee... finally we are free now from the "durex" things... hahahahaha... !!! i am so glad to mention that !! =D
starting last 23 September, we already try to conceiving for babies... =P
Hope it will works fast !! How i really hope time goes by very quickly... coz they said i've to wait for at least 1 week after conceiving to use the pregnancy test pack !!! Geezz... i can not wait... yesterday 26 Sept at noon i try to used the Quick test, but sadly it hasn't work yet.. hehehe... i guess i really2 need to wait 3 days more... =)
anyway.. we also already try to conceiving once more at this morning ( 27 Sept ) .... =P
wow .. can it be a twins ? hahahaha....

ok then... that's it for the flash news from me now...
Hope next time i'll write down the blog again with a great news ok ?!! See ya... =)

Selasa, 04 September 2007

Our prewedding Photo

Finally, we already finished taken our indoor & outdoor prewedding photo.
For indoor photo studio we took it on Aug 27, 2007 @ May art Studio, Harmoni.
But for Outdoor photo, we decided to go to Pulau Bidadari @ Kepulauan Seribu on Aug 30, 2007.
well.. it was such an unforgetable experiences for us.. that day..we've become a King & Queen @ the island.. our photographer name is Mr. Fook, He is a malaysian guy, he is very good, and expert. His personality also so nice.. we enjoy it so much taking photo shoot with him.
On Aug 30, we go by fery from dermaga Ancol, total we go 7 persons (Me, Kingstn, my mom, Mr. Fook, Mr. Suradi (the photographer assistance), 1 make up artist, 1 gown assistance)

here are some unedited version from our photo session ....

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

hi ..hi...

Well.. i guess i will starting my new blog by telling you the story from now on..

its 3 months to go to November 25th... !!! Geezz... its like forever... i felt like almost want to spit it up about the wedding party things... yeah.. i fell sorry about that too.. i guess for me it was just like having an odd wedding... because i've already married 3 years ago man.. !! and the celebration is just still coming soon... =(

Btw, All the wedding preparations almost settled down now...
yeah..just like what i said... now im just counting down for the "D" Day...
Big note for everyone.. im not expecting so much for the party.. im just expecting for having a baby soon !!! (omg... is there anything else except a baby idea in my brain ????? )

OO me to make it on time !!! please don't make me disappointing Lord... i need to have the baby soon !!! i want to be pregnant before November 25th !!!!!
Guys.. please pray for me... ok ??!!! 'coz my doctor said nowadays my fertility eggs is very small... =((

ok then.. can't write too long.. i need to go back to work...
see ya..