Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

Shopping Shopping Shopping ...!!! ^ v ^

Yippiiee... yesterday was a shopping time for mommy and daddy for baby things !!
We already bought some of the bedding sets and it was worth only Rp.1.450.000. it was really a good deal since we already known the shop very well. ;)
Tomorrow we're gonna buy the baby crib.. =D Wow i'm so really really exicited !!

And now the news about my baby..now i already can feels her bones inside me kicking very hard !! it's amazing.. i love her so much.. and can't wait to see her soon this Saturday for the 4D USG !! =)

We also planning to change our car to the new big car..yeap..since now BMW really really too small for car family..so perhaps we're gonna need another car for our 2nd car..hope this weeks we can have it soon.. =)

ok then i'll update soon again for the latest news from me.. ;)

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

Happy Birthday Mom.. =)

May 19th, was Kingstn Mom bday, but the party was held on May 20th, coz its a public holiday in here, so we decided to have a teppanyaki and bbq party at his mom house @ Citra Grand, Cibubur.
All of us shared to bought his mom a bday gift a diamond necklace, the bday cake was made by one of my sis inlaw, and the rest things of the party was prepared by his mom by herself.
Well, the party was awesome! all of us really2 can blend each other and no more gap between one and each other..yeap, i guess this is the time to left all the problems behind and move forward for a better relationship in this big family.. Thanks God for this beautiful moments between us.

After Lunch, we cut the cake and then some of the guys were playing Nintendo Wii with the kids..hihihi..the adults vs the kids.. =) they are so exicited to play together. while me...stay laying down at the sofa only can watching them playing.. hehe..but its fine for me, coz i'm just feel tired and full loaded. =P

We stayed at his mom place till dinner time, and after dinner all of us went so tired and some the kids feels unwell too, so we decided to go back home too.

Anyway, Happy birthday mom.. we wish you health, success, happiness, and many many good things happens forward.. we love you... =)

God Bless !!

Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

A day leave for mommy.. =)

Yippiee.. tomorrow will be my day off at the shop. =) Yes! tonite i'm going to stay overnight at my mom house till Sunday.. my hubby will follow to stay at my mom house on Saturday night till Sunday too, but tonight he only going to drop me, coz he still have to work tomorrow. =P

I miss my mom so much, and my nieces "Chika & Nikita", they already have a long school holiday this week and they kept begging me to come and stay quickly.. hehehe.. i also dunno why they can be so this close to me, even if i can tell, maybe they more misses me than their parents.. hahaha...lol

ok then, i must get prepare pack my things now.. bye bye.. =)

Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Iron Man is a good movie..

Yesterday we went to watch cinema at Artha Gading together with Mat & Musen, yeap..this happy couple just got their freedom ticket for the whole month !! coz Mat Parents going for a holiday to US, and Musen Parents and her grandma just arrived last Monday from China, and they're going to stay here for a month.

The fourth of us bought tickets for Iron Man movie at 9 PM and finished at 11 PM. but the movie was worth enough to watch till this midnight..coz the story was so cool and great.. we love this movie !!

Two thumbs up for the movie !!

Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

My 1st Braxton Hicks

Is it a Braxton Hicks ??? At 11.15 AM at my office desk suddenly i felt my tummy cramps or pain for not more than 30 seconds from top to the bottom of my tummy till my hand palm getting sweating. then it is gone..and now at 11.35 i feel it again !!! what it is actually ???

Jumat, 09 Mei 2008

Friday Night

This Friday, we went to EX-Center cinema to watch movie " What happens in Vegas ", with Ase,Amin,Atink,Mat and Musen. The movie was very nice, fun, and full of laughing from the begining till the end..=)
for us, we also went shopping a lil bit.. at Zara shop for my hubby clothes. And for me i got a gift from Musen a Batik clothes, the design very cute.. i like it so much =) For my baby inside my belly she also got a double scoop of Anderson's Ice Cream..nyammy.. =P Yeap.. what a beautiful friday..

After movie time, we just staright away went home and arrived around 01.00 AM. Piuh.. i got lil bit tired n sleeppy so much.. but it was a fun and delighted friday anyway.. Thank You Lord.. =)



Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

A sad news from our friend " Beatrice "

Yesterday i've received a sms from Marini regarding Beatrice conditions..
this is very makes me so sad and dunno what to say about it.. =(
One of my friends named Beatrice who is have the same ages with my pregnancy got to take out her baby today by normal birth due to un normal pregnancy caused by multiple grown up chromosoms.. it is so sad for her, coz this is the second time she have to take out her baby again.. =(
Oh Lord, please help to make her strong enough to pass this problem.. makes everything goes okay, so she can refilled her self with new power to go on..
In the name of JESUS CHRIST we prayed. AMIEN !!

My deepest condolences for her,

God bless

Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

The days after BBQ party...

April 30th, as mentioned below we were celebrating musen bday party at her house. well everything goes okay except Hanz got a serious diare with a lil bit blood in his feses, so before starting the party, we have to go to lab first to let them examine his pup. =P lucky after a few hours, the results said it is only caused by some amoeba in his stomach.
From the begining, kingstn made it all alone !! haha.. "kesian dech.." coz mat's got busy with his son lab results. the party attended by musen, mat, me, my hubby, and mat's whole big family. =)The foods very perfect !! nyammy... especially, the korean meat... =P

Oya here's some picture between me n musen, with the candelier candle holder as my gift for her..=) well..she's said she like it so much !!! =)

After the party done, i've got my ankle swollen!! also all over my body feels tired so much... we went home around 12.30 AM.. in the morning, i got myself sick !! yeap.. i cannot woke up from my bed.. my arms feels so heavy, bcos all the nite long i sleep in one right side position only.

May 1st, is a holiday in here.. that's why i cannot reach up to see my gyn. so i have to wait till next day.. i've lost my appetite since today. =(
May 2nd, finally i can meet my gyn, first he check up the baby conditions, and thanks GOD, my baby doing fine.. she's already grown up now.. she's weighing around 600 gram now, with head diameter 5,6 cm, but i forgot to asked about her tall. =)
this time i didn't asked to print out the usg photo, bcoz we only concerned about her conditions first..

the doc said, i was sick because of stomachache n a bit diare. he gave me some prescriptions, and the doc said, see how for three days after taking medicine, if still not okay, i must go back to check up again.. he afraid there's some diare virus in my stomach..uuuu..i hope not !!

anyway..today is May 4th, i feels a lot more better than before.. i already can eat again, altough still feels uncomfy with my stomach..
today we're going out for lunch at Bakmie Tan, n after that go to AG to buy some breadtalk and one pregnancy pants for me that on sale at AG.. hehehe.. =)
we go home around 1.30 PM.. i take a nap for a while till around 3.45 my mom and dad comes by !!! yippiee..i'm so happy.. i misses them a lot, thanks mom.. thanks dad for coming by for bringing me my fav "ayam goreng kuning" from the market near by my mom's house. =P

that's it for now.. i feels still tired, so i want to take a rest again..
help to pray for me ya friends.. so i can get well soon !!

GBU all..