Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

39 weeks

Wow i'm already hitting 39 weeks pregnancy now.. all the estimated date from my family n friends was missed !! hehehe... today is 20-08-2008, and yet my baby still dun want to come out from her mommy tummy.. Geezz... i think she feels too comfy inside.. =P But hopefully not of course ! coz, honestly.. i'm getting tired and unpassions with the counting down time these days.. i can't wait to see, hold n hug my lil one inside my belly.. =)

Today we have appointment again with Dr. Andrew, and i think this time i will remark schedule with him for doing C-section on 28-08-2008 IF until that date, i still dun have any sign for delivering the baby.. the reasons why finally i decide to take C-section, coz i dun want to wait anymore !!! and i want to get that nice number of birth date for my baby =)... selfish i know... but what to say.. that's the truth of all !!

Last time on 16 August 2008, i feels like braxton hicks (i guess), coz that day, i felt a continously deep contractions every 2 hours.. already panic and prepare for the birth...but it was stop only till afternoon that day.
well i guess it just a call of nature... hahaha... =D

Anyway,... i think it's time to tell everyone the name of my baby girl...

meaning of her name is :
Claire : Brightness, Clever, Light
Elston : Trust in GOD
Lee : Kind of heart

what do you think ?? =D
It was her daddy decisions with the first name, and for middle name actually with coinsidence it was our combined name, and for her last name is our chinese family name, which in indonesian is Lianto.

ok then, later i will update for our newest appointment result today with our doctor.
Bye bye...

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

37 weeks check up

Barusan aja gue baru dari dokter...there's a lil bit upset news from me..
Dokter tadi uda check tulang panggul gue, and katanya ukuran tulang panggul gue ga terlalu besar, yah sedang deh.. cocok untuk ukuran berat baby 2,5 kg - 3 kg.
Since hr ini td pas diperiksa, kurang lebih berat baby gue skrg dah 3040 gram. so, dokter bilang agak beresiko juga kalo mau normal birth. =(
soalnya diliat dr history keluarga suami, kan rata2 mereka wkt lahir berat badannya diatas 3,5 kg. bahkan anak cici kingstn pun yg cewe ada yg lahir 3,6 kg !

So, dokter bilang gini... tgl 13 balik check up lagi, nah saat itu udah boleh diputusin apa mau tetep coba normal atau mau lgs ceasar. (depends dr berat baby apa increase lg atau ngak)
soalnya kalo mau normal, takutnya resikonya gini.. uda mules, pembukaan uda komplit eh tau2 babynya ga bisa lewat tulang panggul gue. nah kalo udah gitu jadinya musti ceasar juga, jadinya sakit 2X.. musti recovery jahitan ceasar dan recovery pembukaan jalan lahir bawah juga sesudahnya. wuah...bete abizzz gue dengernya !!!
kesel, kecewa, takut, and dunno why jd lemessss bgt... =(((

Sedih bgt deh... gue bener2 desperately bgt pengen lahirin normal... tp gue juga kan jd takut.. soalnya chance nya uda less than 75%.. takut resiko ke baby n ke gue juga kalo mau paksain normal...

and kalo sampe ceasar..sumpah gue takutttttt banget..
meskipun sih, optionnya juga jauh lebih menarik...
1. bisa pilih tanggal bagus kayak 20-08-2008
2. kalo ceasar gue bisa lahirinnya di R.S Gading pluit, which is gue bisa ambil VIP room yg ruangan babynya jd satu ama gue all the time..

tapi... gue kan pengen bgt bisa ngerasain proses ngelahirin anak dr rahim gue sendiri scr normal... =((

duh...jd kepikiran bgt nih skrg... jd pusing n stress... gimana yah????
please ada saran ga yah??? gue lebih baik ambil keputusan apa?

Btw, kalo sampe ceasar..due datenya sekitar tgl 17 s/d 21 Agustus..
so, kayak nya lucu juga tuh kalo ambil tgl 17 Agustus 2008, Indonesia Independence day atau good date : 20-08-2008... hehehe...

BLAH !!!