Jumat, 21 November 2008


Update from Claire :
1. lagi demen bgt ngobrol dan berceloteh ria..
2. uda bisa miring ke kanan dan ke kiri dgn cepet dan dgn sendirinya.
3. kalo dibantu ditengkurepin, dah bisa angkat kepala, sekitar 20 sec
4. seneng bgt digendong menghadap belakang di shoulder mommy
5. kalo ama daddy demen bgt digendong duduk menghadap depan
6. minum susunya up to 150 cc sekali minum
7. beberapa hari belakangan ini pupnya ga gitu lancar.. =( biasanya 1 hr bisa 3-4
kali, sekarang 1hr cuma 1 kali...
8. bbrp hr ini juga tidurnya kalo mulai jam 12 malem keatas, ga bisa pules dan agak
uring2an ampe nangis2 ga jelas kenapa... =(
9. hari ini rambutnya baru digunting dirapiin lagi ama mommy n daddy .. =)
10. oya..nangisnya juga skrg beda..kyk ngomel2 gituuu... waaa...waaa.waaa... =D

Selasa, 18 November 2008

World Lee Family Party

Last night me n my hubby's family went to World LEE family party. It was the farewell party that held at Sun City Restaurant, The Opening ceremony party was held on Nov 16 at Shangrilla Hotel. The party attended by all over the world of LEE's family member.
Since one of my husband uncle from Hongkong (we call him kuchong chang sen) is the president of World LEE family, so we're also invited to come to the party.
Here's some pictures taken on the farewell party :

together with king's sister

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Keloiddd attackkkk

Helppp... dunno why my ceasar scars till now still ichy n looks red.. my gyn said it was Keloid !! waaaaaaaa.... the cream treatment not working, n maybe if still not okay, i must take needles shot on the scars !!! huhuhuhu.... this answer my phobia about ceasar !!! i hate it so much !!! =(

Beauty Day

Last Thursday me n musen went to Artha Gading to have a beauty day together...i asked her driver to picked me up at home..coz i'm juz too lazy to drive a car by myself..hehehe..
We went to La'Diana to have a facial treatment n after that we had a coffee break at Starbucks then continue with creambath n foot massage at Brown saloon.. =) hmm.. what a great day !! it was really a great escape for a day for me.. =D

after work kingstn picked me up at Mat's shop, then me, king n musen having lunch n shopping at diamond supermarket together.. poor Mat's cannot join us..coz he had customer at his shop.. =)

note : i still want to have a body treatment !!! =P dunno when i'll be having my free time again...