Rabu, 30 April 2008

Happy Birthday To : Musen !!

Today is one of my friends birthday.."Zhu Musen"...
Happy birthday to you and wishing you all the best things in life !! God speed.. =)
Tonight we are going to celebrate her birthday at her house starting at 9 PM with Mat's family also. we are going to have BBQ party !! yeah...nyammy dinner.. =P hehehe..
Yesterday i already helped her by accompany her buying some food for the preparations at the korean meat shop and diamond supermarket. well the rest of the story i will updating it tomorrow, ok? =)

See Ya !!

Minggu, 20 April 2008

Happy 5 months my baby !!

Today i feel my tummy getting more bigger than ussual, today everyone i met said : "now we already can see ur pregnant tummy !" hahaha.. i guess my baby already want to show to 'em she's getting bigger now.. =) mommy also feels happy for you my dear...

Today i also went to MKG 3, for celebrating one of Kingstn nephew bday (Braven, 6 yrs old) with all of Kingstn main family (except Ci'Yuyu family). We're having a lunch at Pizza Hut and then we also went to Bowling Centre at level 3. It's been a long time not to see my hubby play bowling with his 2 big bro.. =) we're actually having a great time, i'm so happy today !!

Around 3 PM, we split from them and we went to Artha Gading. We bought Water Dispenser for our future baby at Electronic City, but it is still indent order and ETA date will be around May 5th next month.

Argh... i want it so much to buy an ottoman chair at Index too!!! because my back already feels uncomfy these days.. =( unfortunetely they are out of stock for the ottoman chair i want.. so i must wait around 2 month .. aaiiya... =(
Anyway..what to say.. right?

At 5.30 PM we go to the church at Bethany Kelapa Gading, Gading Batavia. Wow, the Word of GOD very makes us more stronger in faith to HIM.. HE said : " we have power in every words we said from our mouth, so because of that we must says the positive words in our life, so it wil be affecting our life too in a positive way ".. AMIEN !!

After church we actualy have appointment with the company profile designer at Artha Gading, but she's cancelled it, so we just having a dinner at Artha Gading and then play at Mat's shop for a while and then we straight away go home around 9 PM.

Since my tummy already getting bigger now, i feels tired so quickly...my left leg very pain and my back also the same.. =(

And now..it's time to sleep for me and my lil' one in my tummy.. =)
Good night everybody... =)

God Bless You All...

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Introducing : www.babygirlelston.blogspot.com

From now on my baby have her own private blog, which dedicated to her for her own record development ever since she growing up in my tummy 'till she bigger enough to write for her own, i will be her co-writer.. =)

the blog was created by one of my best friends in Ames, USA. well...thanks des..ur gift to my baby such a nice one !!

anyway,today i just wanna share my daily activity...
umh..not much, coz today we're not going anywhere...
i got sick, headache n a little bit flu since last friday..
only yesterday we went to Artha Gading (our 2nd home !) for having dinner and met the company profile designer..after that we also went to La-piazza to buy sweet martabak for my supper. hehehe... =D
ugh...i wish i can get well soon..so i can do 'jalan-jalan' again. hehehe...

and now talking about my hubby..
he is so funny...these days he feels so stressfull b'coz his tummy that already getting bigger n bigger and even more bigger than my tummy..=( ugh...why daddy u want to compete with me??? hiihihii...=D
that situation happening b'coz he ate a lot, and even a lot more b'coz when i cannot finish my food, i juz straight away give it to him ! hahaha...

hmm..now im thinking about managing our budget for preparing the 'baby things'..
starting from designing her room and her furniture, and renovating some space in our house at level 3 for living room and baby room...wuahhh...so many that we need to buy..**stressfull**
now i can feel why these days people don't think " more children more money " anymore...hahaha...
i know this is just the begining...but i kindna re-thinking again about my target for having at least 3 children or up.. hihihi...
i guess 2 is enough..isn't it? =D
well..let's see lah...

Kamis, 10 April 2008

20 weeks Pregnancy

Finally my baby mau juga kasih liat ke mommy and daddy dia cowo atau cewe, and the answer to it’s question is it’s a baby GIRL !!!
It’s so funny during the ultrasound section, it’s so amzing to finding out the sex of my baby.
She’s so adorable bgt…walaupun gue baru ngeliatnya di usg 2D, kemaren dia reaksinya lutchu bgt… waktu lg mau diliat jenis kelaminnya, dokter bilang..wah ini kakinya nekuk satu nih..coba dilurusin biar keliatan jenis kelaminnya..eh suddenly dia lgs saat itu juga ngelurusin kakinya loh !!! terus dokter lgs confirmed kalo dia itu positif cewe, and after that dia nekuk lg kakinya.. lucu bgt !!!
Terus kemaren pas usg, baby ku gerak mulu..ampe dokter bilang nih anaknya aktif bgt yah..sehat semuanya okey. Mungkin bener saran dari salah satu best friends gue (destri), we must fully bladder yg artinya perut musti terisi penuh diisi orange jus or soda, biar anaknya gerak2…and terbukti tuh.. thank you aunty destri… =)

Oya, kemaren panjangnya udah 13,5 cm (from crown to rump only), lingkar kepala uda 4,7 cm, beratnya blm ketauan pasti, diprediksi sih udah lebih dr 350 gram, and baru bisa dpt exact numbernya bln depan kata dokter. Oya ini hasil foto terbarunya dia:
lucu yah..sekarang dah lebih gendut drpd sebelumnya yg masih skinny.. hehehe..

actually we already choose the perfect name for her, but since it is my hubby request not to mention it first and not to tell to anybody, so..let it be a secret first okay? =)

pokoknya yg penting gue berharap dia jadi anak yang takut ama Tuhan, sayang mommy and daddy juga semua orang, supaya jadi cahaya yang bersinar terang dikeluarganya selalu dan diberkati setiap langkah kehidupannya. AMINNNN...

Selasa, 01 April 2008

19 Weeks...

kali ini gue cuma mau numpahin semua uneg2 gue...
uda dari tanggal 29 Maret yl, pembantu gue tiba2 mendadak berhenti n pulang kampung ga balik lagi...bete bgt...pembantu taon ini ga tau kenapa kok ga ada yg stay lama yah disini.... yg uda kerja 5thn lebih tiba2 berhenti mau kawin, yg baru masuk, gue uda cape2 training n uda bisa kerjanya, tiba2 disuruh berhenti ama keluarganya. wah..mau marah deh...kalo ga ada pembantu !!!

untungnya sih pembantu lama ada yg mau kerja lagi, tapi baru tgl 4 april datengnya.
so, uda 3 hr kemaren gue gempor por por porrr bangettt...
emang sih mertua gue pada nemenin nginep disini...mama masak siang,malem, gue bantu2 siap2in piring,etc
sls makan gue yg nyuci piring...duh pinggang gue pegelll bgt..bete.. masalahnya disini tuh dapur n ruang makan gue separate di lt 1 n lt 2. aneh kan??? yah gitu deh papa kingstn selalu percaya fengshui mulu...katanya ga bagus dapur di lt.2...weks...pusing...

alhasil tiap hari gue turun naek tangga mulu deh...cape...pegel..gempor...
dah akh intinya gitu deh...