Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Winston's wedding party

Today is one of my hubby cousins wedding day, all of his big family from Hongkong come along to Indonesia to attend Winston's wedding, since this is going to be the last wedding celebrations in king's big family in Jkt.
All of King's aunty n uncle from Hkg just arrived yesterday, and last nite we're having dinner at King's mom house.
Ok then, i'll update again tomorrow about the wedding party.. TBC..

Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

Rujak Party !!

On June 20th, i've got my Rujak party at my mom house for celebrating my 7 month pregnancy.. i also stayed at my mom house for last three days from last friday till sunday, coz my hubby also got busy with his work, he's got to attended the exibitions by our company at JHCC.. so my hubby cannot come to my Rujak party...hehehe.. but, i already save it for his part, coz he also have to taste it !! =P

hmm, i miss my dad.. he's been going to China since last week with his old friends, but till now he haven't call us to let us know he's doing alrite.. but we believe he's fine, it just he dunno how to use an int'l calling card maybe...=) coz he is an old fashioned guy.. very very old one.. =)
God please guide n take care my dad with his trip make him save and healthy where ever he is..

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Baby Checked List..

Finally, almost 90% baby things gue udah beli.
ini checked list gue yg dah DONE :
1. Popok kain
2. Baju Baby (tgn buntung, pendek, panjang)
3. Singlet Baby berwarna
4. Celana baby pop
5. Celana panjang baby / tutup kaki
6. Sarung tangan & kaki
7. Waslap
8. Saputangan katun
9. Handuk mandi
10. Perlak karet
11. Selimut topi
12. Topi baby
13. Bando baby
14. Stocking baby
15. Pampers
16. Bemper set
17. Bedcover set
18. Selimut
19. Guling set
20. Seprei set
21. Sarung bantal guling set
22. Bantal peang
23. Kelambu
24. Ember mandi
25. Sabun Cair pump
26. Shampoo pump
27. Bedak tabur
28. Baby oil
29. Hair lotion
30. Baby lotion
31. Baby cream
32. Minyak telon
33. Minyak kayu putih
34. Tissue basah
35. Kain kasa alkohol
36. Kain kasa
37. Tempat bedak
38. Sikat lidah
39. Sisir baby
40. Peniti baby
41. Gunting kuku baby
42. Sedotan ingus
43. Botol susu
44. Container susu
45. Bottle sterilizer
46. Sabun steril
47. Sikat botol
48. Detergen & Pelembut
49. Termos large 2.2 Ltr
50. Termos small 1 Ltr
51. Bantal menyusui
52. Shampoo kering
53. Ranjang baby
54. Karpet baby
55. Album photo

Gilee yah..panjang benerrr..hehehe..
tinggal few items lagi sich yg belom kayak gurita, bedong, tatakan ompol, stroller, tas baby, cotton buds, kapas, dot, baby teether, baby monitor, musical mobile, play gym, breast pads, bh menyusui, pembalut, baju suster, n jamu bersalin...terus apalagi yah.. kayaknya tinggal itu sih.. =)

Wah uda little bit more release deh, almost finish, oh yah tinggal yg blm bisa, beres-beres kamar nih.. ranjang blm dirakit, lemari baju baby dah dtg tp msh bau cat soalnya kan bikin sendiri, kamar gue pun blm di setting ulang.. duh pusing juga..
abis mertua gue ga ngasih gue beres2 kamar sebelum lahiran.. gimana dong... biasaaa... hongsui... pusing deh...

dah akh segini dulu yah... besok2 gue update lagi...bubye...

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Kontraksi Palsu Beneran !!!!!! =#

Tgl 6 Jun jam 1.30 siang gue tiba2 ngalamin kram yg hebat bgt di perut bawah gue..sampe seluruh badan keluar keringet dingin, duh gue sampe takut bgt, knp tiba2 aja kram parah gitu, padahal gue ga lagi ngapa2in seharian itu. langsung gue saat itu juga tlp dokter Andrew, terus dokter nanya saat ini usia kandungan gue uda brp minggu? gue bilang udah 28 minggu, weks!! dokter lgs panik, n nanya2 ada bercak darah atau air ketuban ngak keluar?? gue jd makin stress, tp gue cek sih nga ada apa2..cuma kram aja gue bilang, terus dokter lgs bilang coba deh mending lgs coba cek dtg ketemuin dia yg lg praktek di R.S Hermina Sunter, n disuruh lgs contact ke bagian kamar bersalin, spy nanti pihak kamar bersalin bisa hubungin dokter spy dtg cek.. WHAT??? gue sampe makin stress...apa2in nih kok lgs ke kamar bersalin??? duh serem bener...
akhirnya stlh tutup tlp, gue coba buat relaksasi pernafasan yg diajarin di metode hypnobirthing ibu Lanny, well.. it works!!! pelan2 kram nya berangsur2 ilang.. piuh...terus gue tlp dokter gue lagi, gue kasih tau kalo rasa sakitnya dah ilangan, n dokter bilang coba dipantau sendiri, kalo berulang lagi dan makin sering, harus kudu buru2 ke R.S yah... wow, lucky... ga berulang tuh...stop disitu saja, after that gue fine2 aja...Puji Tuhan !!!

gile bener2... kali ini seriusan kontraksi palsu loh!!! piuh... a lil bit scary...but i think i still can handle it..thanks to hypnobirthing method..
btw, gue bru aja td daftar kelasnya ibu lanny, tp msh blm dpt schedule kapan gue bsa mulai..

well..segitu dl deh yah...bubye..God Bless...

Selasa, 03 Juni 2008


yippiee..finally, i already saw my beautiful baby on the 4D USG last Saturday..
well, u know what? i am so nervous while waiting for my turns.. i'm so exicited n wondering she will be look a like who ya? =)
when we start the 4D section, the doctor said that my urine too full, i've got to go to toilet first..hehehe.. well, i think my baby went to tired n sleepy when it start..coz i already felt her keep moving since 4.30 AM (yep..she's wake up too early n the schedule also a lil bit late) the first 30 mins, my baby kept covering her face with her hands, and her positions dun want to change from my left tummy..
the doctor kept seeking her around till the last 15 mins, my hubby touch my tummy n said to her: "come on baby, let's us see your face" then suddenly she open her hands n waving to us once..wow..she's so cute, n the most things that drag my attentions is her nose!! she's got it juz like her father !!! the same big nose... hahhaha.. =D
now she's already weighing up to 1235 gram, she's already so chubby with her cheeks also like her daddy..i'm so thankful to GOD that everything is alrite, that the most important things for us.

oya, this week we also already got our 2nd car as our family cars. we bought another nissan x-trail but with black color.(coz my mother in law also has the same type but with silver mocca color). this car is gonna be ours as "girls car"..hehehe..daddy got no right at all for the entire car !!! we're gonna design it as much as we like... =P

from yesterday update, i also got a not very good news about my mom.. =( she's got sick in the morning and need to stay in the hospital for 1 day, bcoz of her heart rate that become unstable.. =( i also dunno why this suddenly happened to her.. i'm so sad about her conditions.. =( but today she's insist to go home, coz she's really don't like hospital area, so today we already sign her out from the hospital. but her conditions is still under doctor control.. well, i really hope she will be okay soon..coz this coming 19 June, she's already planning to celebrate my 7th month pregnancy at her house... GOD please help her to get well soon.. i can't see her sick like this too long..i'm so sad... =(

friends please help me to pray for my mommy yah...thank you..