Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

Welcome to the world baby girl " Felicia "

Eitz...it's not mine, it is Victor & Marini 1st daughter that has just born yesterday on July 30th, 2008. Her weight 2.79 kg and 48 cm tall. She was deliver to this world by Normal birth process by week 39.
We already saw her, she's so beautiful and adorable baby girl... Congratz for Victor and Marini as the new parents.. =)

FYI, Marini is one of my college friends that have differents week of pregnancy only 3-4 weeks away from me.. Wow !! that's means my due date also only 3-4 weeks away !!
ZeeZZZ... i almost can't believe it !! We're going to be a parents soon too !!

I'm so amazed by Marini's process of giving birth, she's doing so smooth and very fast for normal birth. only a few hours she said she already deliver the baby.
I asked her, is it pain??? she said, can't tell me how it feels when u already faces the moment. my GOD !! i'm so....scared ! =P but i still want to do the normal birth process if possible.. =)

Btw, her full name is : " Catharina Felicia Johan ". =) They said will call her Fei-Fei.. cute nick name!! =)

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Picture @ Winston Wedding

Kingstn sister just gave me this picture that taken on last wedding at Winston wedding party.

From Left to Right :
My big sister in law "Aso Lina" (which is also my cousin fr my mom), ME, Kingstn big sister "Ci Yuyu",& my another sis in law "Aso Yaya".

well.. after all finally we're gathering together in Peace .. hahaha.. =P

Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Dinner with Christine & Julia @ Pantai Mutiara

Last Monday Julie came to Jakarta, this time she bring up her 7 mons beautiful daughter named " Naomi Reanne Hartono " =), and yesterday me n kingstn meet Julie n christine at Julie's house@ PM. Around 7 pm we already arrived at her house n then we spend about half hours playing with Naomi. Wow..she's a chubby cute little girl..and she loves to staring at kingstn a lot. so funny... =D

After spending some times with Naomi, Kingstn drop us @ Cafe PM, then he go to Mega mall,.. (He said dun want to interupting the girls talk.. haha..)
The three of us having dinner n chit chat a lot, since we've been like almost 1 year not seeing each others.. but we're feels so sorry to Christine coz this time the conversations is all about BABY things... meanwhile she's still single.. =( i'm sorry girl..

The funny fact is, last time when we're having dinner at Cafe PM, Julie was pregnant around 5 mons, n this time i'm the one who's expecting the baby 1 mons to go..hmm..maybe next reunion will be you Tin... we hope so... =P but remember ya, must have the wedding party first before the baby issues OK !! hahaha... =D

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

Senam Hamil part 2

Kemaren gue baru aja ikut kelas senam hamil lagi..=) kali ini king2 ga nganterin, soalnya dia lg busy, so gue pake supir aja dianterin.
Kelas senam kali ini cuma ada 6 org, tp kali ini ada special moment dr Hermina mereka bagi2 buku "Golden Mom" n New launching produk vitamin ibu hamil dan menyusui S26 dari Wyetth. well, lumayan loh..kalo beli bisa total seharga 110 rb. But this time they give it for free.. =)

Oya kemaren juga bakal suster gue udah dateng n uda mulai kerja, but since baby blm ada, so dia bantu2 jd pembantu dulu deh disini..coz gue juga lg kurang org buat pembantu nih..wah pusing juga deh...

Senin, 21 Juli 2008

Bandung Trip

Last saturday on July 19th, me n my hubby went to Bandung for holiday of the weekend.. :) Yes..just both of us..umh..it's kindda like baby moon trip before my due date coming up next month. coz, after giving a birth later on till 30 or 40 days a head after that i'll be quarantine at H.O.M.E !!! yaiks...but that's the fact in here.. our family rules still like that. =)

We're stayed at Sanny Rossa Hotel near by Rumah Mode factory outlets, it was still peak seasons at Bandung, coz most of the hotel are fully booked. Lucky we're still got the room in there. Anyway, it was such a great trip for both of us, we're really enjoying the trip. All the routine trip at bandung of course shopping, eating, shopping, eating, shopping, and eating all the time ! hahaha... =D
But this time only Daddy n Baby Girl got the shopping bag full loaded. hehehe.. =P

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

34 weeks check up

Tadi gue baru aja abis check up ke dokter..seneng bgt deh rasanya tiap kali usg sessions, bisa liat baby ku yang udah gede bgt.. tadi dokter bilang beratnya uda 2,3 kg. kali ini dokter bilang beratnya normal buat umur kehamilan 34 minggu kok, hehehe.. =) mungkin karena gue 'agak' ngurangin makan ice cream kali yah 2 minggu terakhir ini. abis gue rada parno juga wkt pas kontrol dokter di 32 minggu, dibilang baby gue a lil bit over weight 10% buat umur 32 minggu kehamilan. And dianjurkan kalo mau lahirin normal, gue harus reduce sugar, spy baby nya ga kegedean di dlm perut, n susah lahirnya.
Terus td dokter juga bilang, kondisinya semua dalam keadaan bagus, ga ada lilitan tali pusar di leher janin, and kepala janin dah ada diposisi yg bener yaitu dibawah perut walaupun blm masuk ke jalan lahir. nanti pas di minggu ke 37 kata dokter baru bisa diliat apakah gue bisa lahirin normal atau gak, dr ukuran tulang panggul n berat janin. Semoga deh...gue bisa lahirin normal.. doain yah... =)

soalnya gue terus terang gak punya persiapan mental jalanin operasi ceasar.. gue bener2 takut bgt ama operasi, or maybe lebih tepatnya gue emang ga pernah mengimani persalinan ceasar ke diri gue. soalnya gue dr duluuu pgn bgt bisa ngerasain lahirin anak dr rahim gue sendiri secara normal. itu tuh rasanya kayak..sesuatu mujizat bgt bisa ngelahirin normal buat gue, n sebagai seorg cewe pun jd makin bangga n komplit !! =D

semoga aja deh Tuhan denger niat hati gue yg kepengennnn bgt bisa lahirin normal tanpa ada halangan apa pun juga. AMIN !!

oya td gue juga sempet konsultasi nanya dokter gue soal minus mata gue yg lumayan tinggi (minus 6). n kalo menurut dokter gue sih no problem kok..asal gue ga ada kelainan retina mata, karena dokter gue pernah juga nanganin pasien yg minusnya uda 12, and so far so good tuh..
so, buat make sure aja, yah dokter gue nyuruh coba cek ke dokter mata, n minta di cek retina mata nya apakah normal apa gak. gicuu deh...
hmm...mau ke dokter mata dimana yah ??? bingung dech...

Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Senam Hamil... =))

Kemaren pertama kalinya gue ikutan senam hamil...di R.S Hermina Jatinegara belakang rumah, jam 5 sore. King2 juga ikutan nganterin, coz awalnya gue pikir dia bisa ikutan kelasnya juga, tp berhubung kemaren banyakan ibu2 yg lain ga ditemenin suami2nya, jd yg bawa suami juga jadi useless deh ga bisa ikutan kelasnya.. hehhe..
well,, ternyata menyenangkan sekali ikutan kelas senam hamil..lucu..ibu2 gendut semua pada senam sama2 jd seruuu.. =P
enak juga biayanya murah cuma 15rb, incld pemerikasaan perut ama susternya buat diliat posisi kepala janin uda ada dimana, n then dapet snack juga pulangnya..hehehe.. lumayan lama juga loh durasinya 1,5 jam kemaren.

next week mau lagi akh ikutan senam hamil.. =D
well besok gue ada appointment ke dokter lagi nih...uda every 2 weeks skrg..
besok gue update lg yah... bubye...

Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Teddy & Erika Wedding Party

July 6th, we went to Teddy & Erika wedding dinner party at Nelayan Restaurant, Ancol.
May GOD..i've got no more night gown to wear..that's why i only wear the baloon dress with legging pants to the party..aiaa..i'm so unconfident with my clothing that night. because it was a family wedding party n every close relatives wearing long dress as well..but even tough i still feels lucky still got a chance to make up my hair at Peter Saerang saloon together with Musen n my hubby before the party started. =)

oya yesterday we also went to dim sum lunch at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant at Hotel Golden with Mat n Musen, they ordering me a very delicious shark fin soup, australian abalone n scallop !! nyammy..really2 a healthy foods for my baby.. =) Thanks Pals..=)

anyway, here's the after party picture that i taken when we went home :

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Dinner @ Angke Kelapa Gading

Last night all of Kingstn family and all of his uncle n aunty from Hongkong together having a dinner at Angke Restaurant Kelapa Gading. (i dun like the foods)...
Later on i will post it to my blog the pictures of all the big family.
After dinner, we went home around 10.30 PM, then suddenly i feel so excited to take a photo shoot.. hahaha.. (maybe my baby want it so..)
Here's some of my newest pregnant pictures :