Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Dinner with Christine & Julia @ Pantai Mutiara

Last Monday Julie came to Jakarta, this time she bring up her 7 mons beautiful daughter named " Naomi Reanne Hartono " =), and yesterday me n kingstn meet Julie n christine at Julie's house@ PM. Around 7 pm we already arrived at her house n then we spend about half hours playing with Naomi. Wow..she's a chubby cute little girl..and she loves to staring at kingstn a lot. so funny... =D

After spending some times with Naomi, Kingstn drop us @ Cafe PM, then he go to Mega mall,.. (He said dun want to interupting the girls talk.. haha..)
The three of us having dinner n chit chat a lot, since we've been like almost 1 year not seeing each others.. but we're feels so sorry to Christine coz this time the conversations is all about BABY things... meanwhile she's still single.. =( i'm sorry girl..

The funny fact is, last time when we're having dinner at Cafe PM, Julie was pregnant around 5 mons, n this time i'm the one who's expecting the baby 1 mons to go..hmm..maybe next reunion will be you Tin... we hope so... =P but remember ya, must have the wedding party first before the baby issues OK !! hahaha... =D

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