Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Clubbing time!!! yay!!

Hohohoho.... Kmrn mlm jiwa muda gw lg berkobar nich...wakakakkak... So,kmrn me,hubby,rony,nat,mat,musen,and 2 new buddy fr sg, hanging out go to BLOWFISH and continue to X2.. :) pertama gw,hubby,rony,nat,2 guys doang kita supper di blowfish resto, mamam salmon sashimi...YUM!! Superb..YUM!! ;P trus abis itu tdnya mau clubbing nya disitu jg, tp ga jd akhirnya pindah tempat ke X2 aka Equinox, adding mat n musen yg akhirnya nyusul..haha... ;D was a great night out !! Its been a while man... :) we're really enjoyed it so much... We went home at 2.15-ish AM.. Whew!! Very tired n sleepy...but so happy!! :)

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

planning for another baby ?? hehehe...

two days ago... i start to considering about planning having another baby.. ^__^
which is already purposes by my hubby since two months ago !! hahaha...
dunno what start to coming inside my mind... but i think... i already ready for another baby.. !!
honestly, the background reasons is this :
1. i want to sleep all day long again at my room without need to go down to maintain the shop downsthere..* because when i'm pregnant.. they give me an exceptions, so i can do whatever i wants !!*
2. i think about having a new house that own by ourself, *dis only can happen if we already have 2 kids or more, is puts no more comments from everyone to keep us stay at this house-shop...with every single reasons..*
3. and maybeee.... after giving birth the second child... i can be a full time mother and housewife..*not working anymooreee at the shop*i know..sounds silly...coz here at the shop, i can have income like blind money from it,and still can take care my children at one time..but for is not worth enough to buy my freedom for life that i want..*

is it to crazy, selfish and fool??? to thinking like that way as the reasons for having a second child?
coz...deep inside my heart n mind..i still dunno wheather im ready for it or not...

GOD please guide my i can decide which one is the best way for me...
hmm...this month we are going to see doctor Andrew again... my hubby said, he want to planning carefully for having a baby boy for the 2nd child...hehehe...


bye bye.... ^___^

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Long time no update... ^__^

haha...maap maap yah my blog...gue kaga sempet2 update disini..abis cuma konsen nya ke blog my baby Claire aja nih skrg... hehehe... ^__^
ada info terbaru apa yah dr gue sendiri... ?
ummh...nothing ! haha...
ya pokoknya intinya sejak ada Claire skrg my daily activity kyk gini :
jam 7 pagi dah bangun buat maen2 ama Claire di ranjang brg daddy juga...
jam 7.30 handover Claire ke nanny buat dikasih breakfast meanwhile gue mandi and siap siap buat buka toko.
trus jam 8.30 gue naek lagi buat bantuin nanny mandiin dan bilas Claire..
after that gue turun jaga toko..till lunch time 12.00 gue lunch brg mertua, abis makan siang gue nemenin Claire makan, sls Claire makan kadang gue lgs turun jaga toko lagi..kadang yah maen2 dulu ama Claire di kamar...
trus tar jam 3.30 an gue mandiin Claire lagee, trus take over Claire from nanny..coz nanny need to take a break for shower.. till 5 pm, gue mesti dah stand by lagi di toko coz mertua mau pulang...

truss...tutup toko jam 6 sore..and then naek kekamar..maen ama Claire...kasih makan Claire...and bis itu jam 10 mlm the latest deh Claire biasanya dah bobo...
yah gitu gitu aja sih so far activity gue...
booooriiiinnnggg yaaa.... +P

lmyn aja skrg Claire uda mulai skolah di gymboree sunter..jd tiap hr senin jam 1, rabu jam 10 atau sabtu jam 9 pagi gue ada activity laen..yaitu anter Claire skolah !! hahaha...

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Twins !!!

Twins..!!! i hope the news also coming from me...but, nope.. it is coming from our bestfriends mat n musen.. yes, they are going to have a twins baby, and it is a miracle pregnancy that GOD has made for them, coz they don't have any relatives that have twins is just pop up suddenly like that, they also so suprisingly when the doc tell them the good news..

and ..i am so much very very happy for them, coz the news was coming from our closest best buddy !! wow, it will be so much fun and excitement !!
i wish the twins will be a baby girls... coz they first child is a son. =)

congratulations to musen n mat, and wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy, ok?
God bless...